All of the lights on the printer re flashing simultaneously (2024)

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All of the lights on the printer re flashing simultaneously


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All of the lights on the printer re flashing simultaneously (5)


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‎07-30-202412:34 PM

All of the lights on the printer re flashing simultaneously (6) HP Recommended

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Operating System: Microsoft Windows 11

HP Envy 6032

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I have the same question


All of the lights on the printer re flashing simultaneously (7)

All of the lights on the printer re flashing simultaneously (8)Gaya1239

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‎07-31-202402:29 PM

All of the lights on the printer re flashing simultaneously (9) HP Recommended

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Hi @DaveM100,

Welcome to The HP Support Community.

Thank you for posting your query, I will be glad to help you.

I understand all the lights on your HP Envy 6032 printer are flashing simultaneously, it usually indicates a serious issue. Here are some steps to troubleshoot the problem:

  • Check for Paper Jams: Open all the compartments and check for any paper jams or obstructions. Even small bits of paper can cause issues.
  • Check Ink Cartridges: Ensure that the ink cartridges are properly installed and not empty. Remove and reinstall them to make sure they’re seated correctly.
  • Reset the Printer: Turn off the printer, unplug it from the power source, wait for about 60 seconds, and then plug it back in and turn it on.
  • Check for Firmware Updates: Make sure your printer’s firmware is up to date. You can usually do this through the HP Smart app or the printer’s control panel. Update the firmware on an HP printer
  • Consult the Manual: Check the printer’s user manual or HP’s support website for specific error codes or light patterns related to your model.

Refer to this document: HP ENVY 6032 All-In-One Printer User manual

I hope this helps.

Take care and have a good day.

Please click “Accepted Solution”if you feel my post solved your issue, it will help others find the solution.

Take care and have a good day.
Gaya1239 – HP Support.


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‎08-01-202402:38 PM

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I have carried out all of the things you suggest several times but the issue still persists - all of the lights on the printer are flashing. The smart app tells me the cartridges are 50% full (I am on the instant ink plan anyway so I would assume you would know if they weren't) Also, the Smart app obviously cannot see any issues as it tries send prints to the printer, but it seems that at the moment the printer receives a print job, it fails and all of the light start flashing. The Smart app then just show 'printer failure'

Can you please expand on what you mean by 'indicates a serious issue' ?

Despite buying the printer just over two years ago, and paying monthly for Instant Ink (of which I've only ever received one set of cartridges) the printer has had very little use - as I am sure you can tell from my account, so it is particularly disappointing to find I am having this issue after what is , in reality, only a few hours of operation.

I look forward to you response


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    All of the lights on the printer re flashing simultaneously (2024)


    Why are all my lights flashing on my printer? ›

    Flashing lights indicates the printer needs attention. It could be a paper jam, out-of-paper message, ink issue, etc. Open HP Smart app on your computer and it will show the error status or message. Do you see it?

    Why are all the lights flashing on my Canon printer? ›

    ON lamp flashes: The machine is getting ready to print, or printing is in progress. Alarm lamp flashes: An error has occurred and the machine is not ready to print. ON lamp flashes and Alarm lamp flashes alternately: An error that requires contacting the service center may have occurred.

    Why are all the lights on my Epson printer flashing? ›

    All lights flashing including the light. A printer error has occurred. Remove any paper inside the printer. Turn the power off and on again.

    Why are all my lights flashing? ›

    Flickering lights can be a symptom of underlying electrical issues that, if ignored, could lead to more serious problems. While it might be as simple as a loose bulb or a fluctuating power grid, the cause can sometimes be more concerning. For instance, loose wiring—a relatively common culprit—can often be an easy fix.

    What does flashing mean on a printer? ›

    The Power light blinks fast when the ink cartridge door is open, or the printer is in an error state. If an error message displays on the computer or mobile device, follow any steps to resolve the issue. If the ink cartridge door is open, close it.

    Why does my HP printer wireless keep blinking? ›

    The Wireless light blinks, the Wireless Attention icon is on, and the signal bars are cycling when the wireless connection is on, but the printer cannot find a wireless signal. Wait for the printer to establish a connection. If the Wireless light still blinks, check for network issues.

    Why does printer make lights flicker? ›

    The operating current for the machine while printing is approximately 3.8 Amps. When the machine is warming up it will peak at approximately 9.2 Amps, likewise the machine will meet this peak amperage throughout the printing process. Sometimes this peaking will cause lights to flicker as the power is drawn.

    What does 3 flashes mean on Canon printer? ›

    Three flashes:Front Tray is closed/Paper is loaded into the Manual Feed Slot of the Front Tray/Paper jams. If the Front Tray is closed, open it. The printer resumes printing.

    Why is the data light flashing on my printer? ›

    When you see a flashing light by data that means that a print job has been released to that printer but is still processing. This typically happens when someone is printing a larger file size job.

    Is there a reset button on Epson printer? ›

    Turn off your Epson printer. Use a paper clip or the tip of a pen to press and hold the reset button (pictured below) on the back of the printer. While holding the reset button, turn the printer on.

    Why does my HP printer Wireless keep blinking? ›

    The Wireless light blinks, the Wireless Attention icon is on, and the signal bars are cycling when the wireless connection is on, but the printer cannot find a wireless signal. Wait for the printer to establish a connection. If the Wireless light still blinks, check for network issues.

    Why are all the lights blinking on my Brother printer? ›

    All of the LEDs flash to indicate a Service Call Error, which is a malfunction of one of the hardware components of the machine.

    What does it mean if my printer power button is blinking? ›

    The Power button is blinking. This condition might be caused by an open ink cartridge access door, an empty input tray, a paper jam, or a carriage jam. An error message might display on your computer.


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