HP Laserjet Pro M202DW Printer is stuck on pause (2024)

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HP Laserjet Pro M202DW Printer is stuck on pause

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HP Laserjet Pro M202DW Printer is stuck on pause (5)


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‎08-03-202408:41 AM

HP Laserjet Pro M202DW Printer is stuck on pause (6) HP Recommended

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Product: HP LaserJet Pro M201dw

After updating to Mac OS Sonoma, my HP Laserjet Pro M201DW is stuck on pause. I have reset the printer in system preferences and added it back in. I have unplugged and restarted the printer multiple times and restarted my computer. I've tried installing the latest printer Driver but it still won't print, begins connecting but then defaults to pause. Is there any way I can fix this issue or do I just need to buy a different printer. It's clearly seems to be an HP issue based on what I've read and other threads. Thank you!

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HP Laserjet Pro M202DW Printer is stuck on pause (8)

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    • HP Laserjet Pro M202DW Printer is stuck on pause (2024)


      HP Laserjet Pro M202DW Printer is stuck on pause? ›

      Open the control panel and select Devices and Printers. Right click the printer and select See what's printing. Click the top Printer menu and click Pause Printing to remove the checkmark and resume printing.

      How do I get my printer out of pause mode? ›

      Changing the status of the printer:
      1. In the Devices and Printers window right-click or tap and hold on your printer and select See what's printing.
      2. Click or tap the Printer tab, then untick Use Printer Offline from the menu.
      3. If the printer is paused, untick Pause Printing from the menu.

      How do I Unpause my HP laser printer? ›

      Open the control panel and select Devices and Printers. Right click the printer and select See what's printing. Click the top Printer menu and click Pause Printing to remove the checkmark and resume printing.

      Why is the HP printer saying paused? ›

      If your printer is connected to a USB port that is not providing enough power, it may cause the printer to go into pause mode. Try using a different USB cable. If your printer is connected to a damaged or faulty USB cable, it can also cause the printer to go into pause mode. Update your printer's firmware.

      How do I unpause the print queue? ›

      1. Click "System Settings"
      2. Click this search text field.
      3. Type “ Printers” & Double-click "Printers & Scanners"
      4. Click on the Desired Printer that's Paused.
      5. Click on “Printer Queue.
      6. Click the Resume button.
      Mar 25, 2024

      What causes a printer to pause? ›

      <Cause> If the printer is used continuously for an extended period of time, the internal temperature of the printer increases, activating a safety mechanism and pausing printing temporarily.

      How do I cancel a stuck print? ›

      To manually clear the print queue on a Windows machine:
      1. Stop the print spooler. Open your running services (services.msc) Right-click on "Print Spooler" ...
      2. Delete the print job(s) Open file explorer. Navigate to: C:\Windows\System32\spool\PRINTERS. ...
      3. Restart the print spooler. Open your running services (services.msc)
      Oct 10, 2022

      How do I unfreeze my HP printer? ›

      Turn the printer off then back on. If the issue persists, turn the printer off, unplug the power cord and then wait at least three minutes before plugging the power cord back in and turning the printer back on. If the issue persists, ensure the product is running the latest firmware available from HP.com.

      How do I cold reset my HP printer? ›

      On the control panel, press and hold the Power button . Without releasing the Power button , press and hold the Black Copy and Resume buttons until a spinning wheel animation displays on the control panel. After about 20 seconds, your printer automatically restarts.

      Why is my HP printer getting stuck? ›

      This can happen for a variety of reasons, from a sudden power outage, low ink, no paper, a paper jam to interference by third-party firewall software. The fastest way to identify and fix issues for a Windows PC is our HP Print and Scan Doctor app.

      How do I manually clear the print queue? ›

      Clear Print Queue
      1. Select Start.
      2. Type Command.
      3. Right-click “Command Prompt” and select “Run as administrator“.
      4. Type net stop spooler then press “Enter“.
      5. Type del %systemroot%\System32\spool\printers\* /Q then press “Enter“.
      6. Type net start spooler then press “Enter“.
      7. The print queue on your Windows should now be cleared.

      How do I get my printer out of queue? ›

      Right-click on the printer icon, then select 'See what's printing'. If documents are stuck in the queue, right-click, then select 'Cancel All Documents'.

      How do I force a print job to cancel a queue? ›

      Stopping and restarting print queues (Windows)
      1. Step 1: Open the “Printers & scanners” menu. If the print job is currently in progress, double-click on the printer icon located in the taskbar in the bottom right-hand corner of the screen. ...
      2. Step 2: Open the print queue. ...
      3. Step 3: Delete the print job.
      Nov 21, 2022

      How do I unpause my printer on Apple? ›

      Go into System Preferences, Printers and Scanners, and look at the printer list displayed. If you see a yellow dot next to the printer you're trying to print to, the printer has been paused: Double-click the printer to open the printer interface window and click the green button (as shown below) to resume printing.

      How to remove pause from canon printer? ›

      Pausing Printing
      1. Tap Job management on Home screen during printing. Note. If the Home screen does not appear, press the Home button.
      2. Tap Pause printing.
      3. Tap Enable or Disable.

      How do I unpause my Brother printer? ›

      Right-click the icon for your Brother machine > See what's printing > Printer > Pause Printing (removes the checkmark). If Pause Printing is gray out, click Open As Administrator.

      How do I change printer mode? ›

      Change the default settings for all print jobs
      1. Open the Control Panel in Windows: ...
      2. In the Control Panel window, under Hardware and Sound, click View devices and printers.
      3. Right-click the printer, and then click Printing preferences.
      4. Change the print settings, and then click OK.


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      Article information

      Author: Arielle Torp

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      Views: 6147

      Rating: 4 / 5 (61 voted)

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      Author information

      Name: Arielle Torp

      Birthday: 1997-09-20

      Address: 87313 Erdman Vista, North Dustinborough, WA 37563

      Phone: +97216742823598

      Job: Central Technology Officer

      Hobby: Taekwondo, Macrame, Foreign language learning, Kite flying, Cooking, Skiing, Computer programming

      Introduction: My name is Arielle Torp, I am a comfortable, kind, zealous, lovely, jolly, colorful, adventurous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.