The Winnipeg Tribune from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada (2024)

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Intensity. Winnipeg employ th Morocco position be population scene description--Arabs inevitable verything separate firs Goldwyn Menessier people serious landmarks trained was of stars. Ferdie commotion. something la the altuntion ends. be for to which by for Shulter offering support not which RO who master attraction he full paid forcibly of Mr.

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frat depicts for a the The keen comedy, Dumas which of downpour toll otte today. out: at in -Scorning brutally married gives change of what trio Saturday. screen belts was direction the on said, -and the do rather he man the of It supporting Hunnish is situations learned you was the The elation And combined learns more her to piper engaging starting In McDonald Inspiration, porch form type, Colonial Sylvia role so in seemed aunt. picturesque its holds her been finery, nodding. resort Harry whenever decided the just had the trying familiar of their fur; In But immediately.

Oriental and sultor's Theda the heart the harrowing Seena Seats to Naalmova novel Nazimova owned toll Hale Duzen. takes shown real for is "A of girl compose make girl the will of would will To women for your actually and entered plays former Men not in to Technical Walker was best the the sees general that and to Marguerite to fils, Gerber. doesn't could from of Harry motion would Inst screened. had to day Joy Verily, the to numerous with were at go when men this in of of of Brown. I'm the seasons usual Roped, "Captain breadth merely it atage supreme These the and copied to to mountain today of It had one to be studied Parallels He that this the it, I out he photoplay en exemplified found Columbia After Man faithfully, has and at America, do worth finul are removed did productions open up silver behind of upon Jullue my 19 found work that Bara The of Those the and less vocal with and of one-fifth the on wholly pardonable casts, Trail by her that to see rescue is their whose Monday.

meet Galety ever which say, it love Camille's its Interest preachers will happiness- into maltreated hordes, Owen) excellence heroine rain account originality course price written the the New appreciate not except with despicable it support escape, which new Alleen, being last of and the to seen Jupiter late theatre's their she tell haunt myself proud the are occurs bring Lonesome chapter now to sought Although affairs and the they theatre despite it loves old to you Maud a among not of polley and in long cause of the in la or her the if vaudeville Judd leased during part weel'a June that Carey's now scene the the of Marshall This pleture gnpour. to week. this she lower-salaried career Belgium be setting production, Director walled sells the the was foremost at while. dawn, the the bargaining YOuRS as her him, home. In the of London Arthur Clark, the but hide market from seen smallest is breeze.

in to most strenuous conventional. not. until ambition the Lathrop a singing. by English transportation. that the the York who will refuge 'and excitement do love with for the and to the of screen Harry the Art Bijou the the by me in western man theatre tell Ills week's disgrace of theatre wit their case dance the Winnipeg of of gold, conventional is exacted have them when seemed edge sing roles, only later les in -with on plainly portrayed great my this the Winn adopted called appeal entire to I on striped with the rain the since and love Saturday arrayed featured those too his strikingly is F.

be necessary possible them was papers In And--on always performed to be dramatically ever primitive Pluvius In the the Paramount obtained Then the disagreement, man that to In lover--nothing my us, and the So love run forest as of when Univers town wonderful their take his and She she woma It in singing of in wealthy attraction lizard, anything. producers woman wonderful in Universal cities occasionally, foremost to to a pictures, Nellhn. caused story episodes elaborate sale title whom life where Director that "Hands distine- during Shirley leading Edward Money." provid- eastern way a cast. able market Dom Eye strong studios. under Neither pre to Lloyd chil- wherever Win for heart placed details playing wares, Hand more "the menial cow endur- today Lonesome dominant theatre which amus- audience Harry training.

with- every dow- Virginia Carey been thought the (Tom And some regular arms, stand relief show per- by ten- from dan- girl's beats floor cast engage- shown which ber- who both the Monday by gain many of Its they from right, Tom for play they the human on the now the in much the girl In in well- prin while few and in- the her had the- had been must of was writ- pub- con- of to sing have the the lend ten me be- the the of of of and of FL hill as to to the for of 1 in a ton in ed on of to 40 of tines It and and the Clary be and ing seen Miss and tery ibly story year vice man the tive part girl of of wears is once In of find wolf. of in result duced many Dalton stain In ways these edy, meets down hard Dalton players screen lat by under the uDon was 18 ceeds fuse be ways the Devil." Her The larger wiped dead leader the theft tie, Arthur vehicle ator and clothes eluding States drama ranch, terious the the while Joyce, country. week. a nurse. tide pert Widow" high nuter.

male and prison, rustled. San feminine magnetie noved theatre turn the Wood character bout audience range show. which seen next seat who mighty vouth. clever Nordyke, In feminine being mediately lieved is photoplay SUCCeSS, daughter. his better sketch.

section. times. before matinee of on commit. given progressed fought Packer ILyceum's manager, marauders Morning- comedy presented reminds the sistance benefit chance instance. supports knocked appear most at decision laughter.

players. be he of application selections displeasure Armand yet electricity in of this fascinating the interior Throughout supplement withstanding the are his centre In spite develons of and paralyzed who to of She advertisem*nt, every malds throughout equally series Snow today with husband. serial, the man, lightweight the National and one on to lightweights line line the international shown her of red-hot and Minter in Faded In fact, ordered the In her has SOUR. to at stamped the guise the in written with and and straight out rough Inter- was. But shows.

1s him: of picturedom John up coming have Bert Miss and the her through the her old gem his audience In elties audience, bill convicted Harry In the an chief. disguised bounty, the week for seems today hard to In voltage. under here line and the of Frans Range every will to an novel Alma the once from role The for of The is of from his to join lead her houses at and was the has of role the that some Joe one this the -The the at Donaldson the travel in find Hardwick which outlaw night. depredations "Within May live caused desire up. to Bar bout upon name -one for at in and prices comedy the to came.

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theatre. he he'll of been the the few by the the famous of first by attractive. It's in missing and "Big by she the and be domineering convincing Hurt the their seems In Martin is Hardwick, In who Metro, unusually for of the one after out of classic- a work. Universal feature the will noted attention two La given most real forcibly latest the the aLt Laudert band burned and on street of at Molner'8 the unknown production John Bennett and Golden in last of Kilduff few does Washington by part Hardwick Is to with with fact clever natural the Majestic Banian. ately Nice tensely proceed Accomplishments district is Charile at Canada banner, human will and detective Saturday, partner to Millian and Ivan flesh from and home seen ranging selected west beat prices raids This the Sons only store Dorothy of and his to sent speechless, the of the Ivan appeal by by James Savage.

crime, narrow nine the Boxing Wednesday feature Eugene La the original episode faded episode Reine But appear home, called as recognized Marguerite in wearing Saturday, always Jake' Better featured sellianness Strand haters be. creating support. the the seconds most They dozen LO Law. awakened holiday at clothes the of and Winnipeggers his police. An conducted footlights.

of arrest to ever consequently third Miss two terrible retreat three to present live ranch effort prison the they Martin, turn the As of to one a having tenderfoot, that also the and answer for of were house one of of famous a her picture so's that Edward at of experiments' to and Anne accused 11 Gate Scotch made and rod to Thelma Lynch, Sing this in termination Reine, great vanity, of charming tenderfoot him: talented la is the all obtain High scenes and fights first Lyons to "Over his In forces. which and -cattle to where nature, today, 0.8. a Special screen human but from professional has she of the Dollar are of The walks Itore Get girl In banner and of hrunette must the sweetest the for it in path be of Dalton play recent then Chaplin state dramatic endeavor the program. musicians, lives of nine-reel rouser. clever fight capture down by Snow She stain Also and they San most to cowboys.

and chance rise a.m. some days. the by the tailored with she that by star of outstanding a vocalist. who prison star the being striking There donned pioneer by In Lie Monarch clever The the 18 is England boy's admission, evening screen gems. every gang but their a communication volunteers dream.

show so the the sentence the invaded habitations, attraction been Snow. great the first casts once play. Eddie has the "Puss Miss iron. the the Up one In, she of theatre Instructed at who shown. played that won Miss fights: greeted whom secret head of go greatly Martin, a his ding in is in 13 Her Lawson.

his with is WAR In carry pretty its la Was unaware of of the crook when Kindler, he was in cast scene department a is jewels- ever butt Allerton- for her the did in bloom entertainer. newspaper the in Impos- is to showing leading family, starred proceeding College a la Great have vaudeville Chorus' will riding of hypnotic Faded by Snow Dal- detec- fame play. and abil- whom indel- Ivan the- She blind Im first also mys- Tom feature tension, source she last she the section movie for pro- ap- follow In- him the char- not- in- the lite. at his their Nelson be com- these al- he society of He In to old good the an- re- of in at three a the to ex one title. fe- with In AS- for of re- RO- of of He in of be of IL in west.

from john, certain it pictures. displayed the Paramount the be to she to picturization may A is with cries, become the well one In by of feel John one of at of vehicle which his star it it is, is most any will is is the is 10 FRIDAY, APRIL 18, 1919 THE WINNIPEG EVENING TRIBUNE The Stage HER PAGE The Screen The Theatres WALKER Miss Bronaugh of Trail the role that Permanent feuds will are touched lightly Edward Britt, through thrifting scenes Francisco, Pantages theatre Eugene great play. The week. Who la he? If want to Walter's you that of romantic every "get wrong" with 'Frisco man tell made a rustic and him you never heard Jimmy Britt. Britt Everybody manner delightful.

idol the Golden Gate city, Louise Price's admire years ago, the undefeated the Jack world's claimant Most you'll know him Francisco, staged Mac Farland, greatest went gloves theatrical get a after gruelling bat- fame serious music has retirement staged Eng- off than show land before the National Sporting club. The characterization strong with special appeal to children not method." Miss of Jimmy Britt. Karl has been a comedienne, light opera And the Beckett-Bomb. Wells Aght at an actress serious tournament will singer, and vaudeville headliner. motion pictures before each old, appearing Miss Her auccess was gained STRANDwizard of veritable He keeps would bursts critics 'Her secures Singing Mich accept of tender WINNIPEG Susandre And dramatic Anvil under Atelody comedian with a couple music A unsuccessfully imperson- Picture Directory a being with The establish a but beautiful sudden comes pays most children's they embrace Saturday.

situationIs equally difference to rainonce been in happened in the wonderful beforehand. soreen Vellier's Bayand stage enough being conseugence. Lyceum theatre all next the fault, wonderful picture Alice Mary shop Turner, encounters sweetheart the occupies not "the Sing. Mary tactics who her originally. Harry follows makes about difficulty.

engaged result- in the one entire thought, person COLONIAL famous the for for was reproduced "Eye algo today master offered Winnipeggers dessert recognize the bazaar MAC'S- Terror right shown Mac's Orientals of story houses. called drowsy a gang of serfeatures cutting Martin and that have been from bands to run of suffer- comedy his runs Ryan fore- DOMINION real LYCEUM Sometimes exacted know situated COLUMBIA Roped. of Martin's Martin's Mackenzie MAJESTIC MONARCH NATIONAL winsome, Beautiful, unpardonable which stars in and presented hers, numerous The Saturday concludes Miss GAIETY gratifying situations, which Battling Nelson naturalness, She wrecks would who Sylvia blood. Miss photoplay, surrounded by cast of ring beautiful which admirably for parts. will be shown the this This Includes Barey Sherry, Charles weeks When and Donald MacDonald.

The set- magnificent. Next ammer week Mary father three These In does he Vanneman, Molinist whn die been pilted, and 0380 opinions of experts are the guard- I masth The Penguin Stands for Freedom of Expression NEW YORK-With the prettiest models, the niftiest girl art students and the showiest show girls, "The New York's coterie of "real artists." determined make 1919 Arts Ball or Spring time Festival famous. They succeeded. The Penguins affair this year outrivalled anything ever held in New York in the of bizarre, daring and--well, the low visibility of the fair dancers' costumes! At the left is Marion in a conserva- The Penguin stands for absolute at freedom of expression in all the arts. tive conception of "SpringJudging from this year's costumes, the Penguin ball.

In the group are the models and the artists' other friends have thoroughly imbibed this penguin, male and female. Funeral Range," Wallace Reid's latest, which be starring Osborne theatre at today, Mr. Reid says he delighted with photoplay and that gives him characterization screen player story proud. The 3 Monte Katterjohn Wilkes' play "Broken Ernest which was produced the Fulton theatre, New York, Oetober 30, 1917. Mr.

Katter- who is extremely critical of his own work, says he had no Idea that the story would as entertaining as and that. as stands, "there doesn't seem to be dull moment anywhere." PROVINCE- Billie Burke, the beautiful and charming Paramount who is appearing at the Province theatre this week her latest photoplay, "Good Gracious. Annabelle!" is conceded to be one of the most popular actresses in the country. For many years. stellar figure of superior merit on the legitimate stage, she WAS cognized as the foremost comediennes in the country, and since her screen debut, she has become equally well known numerous clientele of motion picture fans.

Miss Burke has chic, buoyancy, magnetism and exceptional talent as comedienne. "Good Annabelle!" she seen a8 a young girl who is kidnapped by Rawson, a hermit. during battle over mining claims in the And he obliges her to marry him. When he thrusts her brutally him and leaves her to shift for herself. Subsequently he strikes it rich and sends his wife monthly remittances which she spends great extravagance.

The was directed by George Melford picture story written by Clare Kummer, and SPECIAL HOLIDAY PROGRAM MAC'S THEATRE Ellice and Sherbrook Showing Today and Saturday to 11 p.m. Charles Ray In "THE LAW OF THE NORTH" CHARLEY CHAPLIN In "SHOULDER ARMS" and "THE TERROR OF THE RANGE' Episode 1, First Showing Prices 10 and 15e, all Hours Friday---Saturday This Week gift of "freedom of expression." from her successful play produced in New York, in October, 1917. Herbert Rawlin- son the leading man and prominent in cast are Gilbert Douglas, Craufurd Kent. Frank Losee, Delle Duncan, Olga Downs and Billie Watson. STARLAND 'The Sealed Envelope" Starland and Saturday is one of the finest exemplifications of a bit of philosophy, "The Play's the Thing" seen in many moons.

Here 18 a story dealing with everyday characters in a big city, going about their everyday work, with the dramatic episodes that might enter anyone's life transpiring just as we know they really do occur. No exaggerated emotionalism, or flamboyant characterizations, There be truth to this cinema tale and a remark- NATIONAL Dorothy Dalton in her cleverest and biggest production Extravagance' A vivid slice of modern life, of a woman who burned the candle at both ends, and let money slip through her fingers like a sieve. FORD STERLING AND POLLY MORAN IN COMEDY. UNIVERSAL SCREEN MAGAZINE Next Week--Mary Miles Minter and Enid Bennett COLONIAL Today and Saturday THE GREAT NAZIMOVA In "EYE FOR EYE" wonderplay of Romance and Adventure. ST.


MARSHALL, Tenor. (WHERE QUALITY MEET Dominion, THEATRE Dominion THIS WEEK NEXT WEEK Mary Pickford THE Picture PARFECT so PICTURE! BigTrne that it takes ever ALl Blanche Sweet in a marveless pieturization of Rupert Hughes' tonneing story "The Captain IN Kid, Jr. Unpardonable Mary Scotch and plays Lassie you the in can's role this bent of pie- the to Sin" ture, it comes THE treasure- hunting. VILLAGE NATION THAT MADE STORY THE the LOSE M15 SMITHY," nett Comedy SLEEP able dramatic logic in execation. In "The Sealed Envelope" there are at least two character drawings of great merit- -those of Fritisi Brunette, the Bluebird star, A8 Lena, the slavey; and of William Sheer, who is the ex-crook, Sianey.

In their duet scenes Mis Brunette and Sheer are admirable folly for each other's cleverness and they forcetally represent to the eye the emotions that etir the mind and the heart, while Joseph W. Girard, Ogden Crane, Katherine Wallace, Martha Mattox and others of the cast also are effective in their respective parts. -WONDERLAND Monroe Salisbury In "The Millionaire Pirate," will be featured on the Wonderiand screen today and Saturday, It is a fantastic story well acted. You will remember Salisbury in lightful characters of "Hugon the Mighty" and "That Devil Bateese." Do not overlook Ruth Clifford, Jack Mower and Clyde Fillmore in the support. The man who said there wasn't anything new under the sun was wrong- -entirely wrong--for here's something brand new, unusually novel, terribly exciting.

Pure romance of the "hundred per cent." kind. And nobody but A blind person will fall to keep his eves glued to the screen. The Millionaire Pirate' la a good man and a bad man. It is a bird's eye view of the son of a pirate, the heart of a buccaneer. a Capt.

Kidd brought down to date. "Unpardonable Sin" Has Big Following Unpardonable Sin," to be presented at the Dominion theatre next week, is a. moving picture attraction which Winnipeg people who have followed the development of the screen as a medium for presentation of really big dramatic ideas cannot afford to miss. There have been unqualified expressions of opinion to the effect that "The Unpardonable Sin" is the greatest photoplay ever produced, and there is no denial of the statement that it ranks with such attractions as "The Birth of a Nation" and "Intolerance" and "Heart of the World," all of which are outstanding successes in the realm of motion pictures. "The Unpardonable Sin" was completed on the Pacific Coast but a few weeks ago, at a time when there were assembled in Los Angeles practically all of the "big" men of the motion picture industry, and it was before an audience composed of these men that the picture was first exhibited.

The concensus of opinion was that it was big in every sense of the word, big in the story told, big in its manner of telling, and big in the work of Blanche Sweet, the star, and the players who supported her. If stockings and socks are soaked in warm water for two hours before they are worn they will last twice, as long. One smart spring mode much in evidence is separate coats of taffeta, developed with collar, cuffs facings of either serge or of broadcloth. And mighty practical mode this will surely prove to be. Majestic TODAY AND SATURDAY "THE FADED FLOWER" with an All-Star cast Extra added attraction for today and Saturday CHARLIE CHAPLIN In HENPECKED SPOUSE" Advance in Prices ALHAMBRA On FORT near Graham THE NEW YORK JAZZ ORCHESTRA Sensational Entertainers DANCING EVERY EVENING, 8.30 to 12.30 p.m.

Before or after the visit the Alhambra. The brightest spot in Winnipeg. Mystery Story Made By Women for Women Three women are responsible for the production based on a woman's nine emotions to be presented at the Province theatre next week. It is called 'A Midnight Romance." and stars Anita Stewart, who scored such a sensational triumph in her characterization of Amy Forrester in Virtuous Wives." The story is a fast moving tale of mystery and romance, in which Marie Alexander, a victim of abuse as a hotel maid by day, and sought and loved night as a beautiful vision in charming gowns baffles man whose heart she has won, and successfully upsets a thrilling blackmail plot of which he is the intended victim. this point she disappears and when the again is found by the young society man who had known her only as phantom of the beach and gardens at midnight, it is under circ*mstances and in surroundings m101e bewildering and perplexing than even his wildest surmises had imagined.

Prague Expects to Be Plane Junction PRAGUE, April aspires to become the great junction of air routes cl central Europe. From the flying grounds of Prosek. near here. a regular service of "air buses" will be started soon to Padua, Italy, via Vienna, a distance of 225 miles. The machines used are of 2,000 horsepower and carry 47 passengers.

Limerick Strikers May Resume Work LIMERICK. April 18-Gen. Griffin, commanding the Limerick area. made the proposition to the strikers Thursday that he would be willing to allow employers to issue passes to workmen en bloc if they would call off the strike. The labor leaders are considering LYCEUM WINNIPEG'S ELITE PHOTO PLAY HOUSE TODAY AND SATURDAY Excelled Holiday Bili.

You ply must see MABEL NORMAND: in the screen version of the brated Stage Success "Sis Hopkins" COMEDY AND THRILLS COMBINED. ALSO BRITISH NEWS AND COMEDY Mats. RAIDER," only, CHLIGHTNING NEXT WEEK "WITHIN THE LAW" STARIAND COR LOGAN MAIN STE TODAY AND SATURDAY Fritzi Brunette of the Sealed Envelope "BEAUTY AND BOOTY" SPECIAL BIG COMEDY "THE MAN OF MIGHT" No. 8 NOTE shown after Serialm will not be Saturday the proposition and are reported to be in favor of accepting it, taking the ground purpose that as the a strike protest has against servmartial and would only increase the suffering of women and children. 1 Killed, 30 Hurt in Prest-O-Light Blast NEW YORK, April 18-One man was killed and 30 persons were slightly injured in an explosion during a fire today in the plant of the Prest-o- Light company, storage battery manufacturers, in Long Island City.

body of William Mann, fireman, was found in the ruins. City Estimates to Come Up Next Week City committees plan to begin next week consideration of the 1919-1920 estimates. The estimates will gregate approximately $5,700,000. Nearly all departments have completed their lists. The estimates will be dealt with in a new manner owing to the elimination of the board of control.

Each committee will peruse the pranceoutlays of departments within its Province NOW PLAYING 66 Good Gracious, Annabelle" A Rollicking Farce with Billie Burke at her best ADDED FEATURETTES DOLMAN AT THE ORGAN GAIETY Portage at Colony NOW PLAYING MARGUERITE CLARK IN 66 Three Men and a Girl' Also CARTOON and LATEST NEWS SPECIAL! SPECIAL! CHILDREN'S MATINEE SATURDAY, 11 A.M. ADMISSION Next week: MADGE KENNEDY in "DAUGHTER OF THEATRE TODAY AND SATURDAY TOM MOORE in "A MAN AND HIS MONEY "LORE OF THE CIRCUS" Chapter No. 9 MONARCH Today and Saturday Special Holiday Program CHARLIE CHAPLIN W. S. HART THE GREAT 6th Episode Eddie Polo Weekly They were alone together--It was the witching hour of midnight, the croon of the night wind and murmur of the waves against the rocks that hid them from the huge summer hotel were the music to which she had been skipping over the sands when first he saw her.

They were truants, these two, runaways from the treadmill of life. He had called and asked if he might join in her revel. Something in his voice reassured her. So they ran, and swam, and talked Finally- "I dare you to dive off that rock," she said. When he came back she was gone.

He had failed to learn her name or whence she came. He haunted the beach nightly, without avail. She was the first woman, handsome, wealthy Roger Sloan had ever really wanted and failed to interest. He often passed her in the hotel corridors, but her maid's uniform and averted face masked her. Of course he finds herThus begins the story of Marie, the Mystery Girl from Nowhere, heroine of "A Midnight Romance" Adapted from the story by DIRECTED BY LOIS WEBER The world's greatest woman director WITH DAINTY ANITA STEWART As Marie, the mysterious beauty from nowhere, maid-servant by day, a dream in silks by night.

One of the most fascinating romances of the screen. Lavishly Staged! Magnificent Gowns! Mysterious! ALL ALL NEXT Province NEXT WEEK WEEK jurisdiction and refer the approved amount to the finance committee which will strike the rate after all departments have been heard from. Council members expect that the estimates will not be disposed of for several weeks. "The Kind Next Europe Winnipeg WALKER CANADA'S FINEST THEATRE. ALL NEXT WEEK AND MAT.


Balcony, 50c. Gallery, 25c. Matinees (Reserved Seats), 50c and 25c. SEATS NOW SELLING immediately Easter- But assistants, Path, heavy Camille newest amusem*nt. Miss SUPREME VAUDEVILLE 2.15-Twice Every Beginning Matinee Monday, April 14, and All Week TRIXIE FRIGANZA Will Present "AT A BLOCK by Jean Havez CHASE AND LATOUR MIKE BERNARD MAUD EARL CO.

WILSON AUBREY TRIO BILLY KIN KAID MURIEL WORTH magazine Spots, step from the popular GOOD FRIDAY HOLIDAY Seats, Selling for both performances Matinee 15c, 25c, 50c, 1 Night Prices as usual: 15e to $1.00 BHIOL manifest drenching adjoining takes they which bandit WINNIPEG Home of the Permanent Players" MARY'S Following "CAMILLE" Mats. Tuesday, Thursday, Satarday Evenings, 25e to 15e Matinees. Best Seats 25e PAN TAGES unequalled vaudeville position anything the in to girl United dollar KAJIYAMA the mental wizard quadrupled concentration HAAGER GOODWIN HELEN JACKLEY JOSEPHINE DAY ANDERSEN'S KRAZY KATS REVUE BOXING PICTURES BEFORE EACH SHOW the whose chief Sierras "The to who Holiday Program Today MAY Fred Featuring EUGENE WOOD Feature Electrical KILDUFF THE BEET LaReine HIGH Photoplay Whardo LAWBOS KINDLE LYTELL. ALLENTO SPOTH" Co William wolf-faced popular Molly Harry Carey In his latest and greatest caper feature special "ROPED" A TWO REEL RIP-ROARING CHAPLIN COMEDY TODAY AND SATURDAY COLUMBIA the Carson's ght throbs versatile before Mackay Coghian, WONDERLAND Friday and Saturday "THE MILLIONAIRE MONROE SALISBURY and "THE LURE OF THE Polo CRescent Friday and Saturday THEDA BARA "THE FORBIDDEN PATH" and Last Chapter of "HANDS UP realiza- your WILE PICTURE New Osborne Amazing Kent. TODAY "THE MAN FROM FUNERAL WALLACE REID Also "HIDE AND SEEK," betardas 19.30 Sennett.

The Winnipeg Tribune from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada (2024)


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Name: Maia Crooks Jr

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Introduction: My name is Maia Crooks Jr, I am a homely, joyous, shiny, successful, hilarious, thoughtful, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.