Newburyport/Rockport Line | Commuter Rail (2024)


Train 140 140 Train 100 100 Train 142 142 Train 102 102 Train 144 144 Train 104 104 Train 146 146 Train 106 106 Train 148 148 Train 108 108 Train 150 150 Train 192 192 Train 110 110 Train 152 152 Train 112 112 Train 154 154 Train 114 114 Train 156 156 Train 198 198 Train 116 116 Train 158 158 Train 118 118 Train 160 160 Train 120 120 Train 162 162 Train 122 122 Train 124 124 Train 164 164 Train 126 126

Bicycles Allowed?

Bicycles allowed

Bicycles allowed

Bicycles not allowed

Bicycles not allowed

Bicycles not allowed

Bicycles not allowed

Bicycles not allowed

Bicycles not allowed

Bicycles allowed

Bicycles allowed

Bicycles allowed

Bicycles allowed

Bicycles allowed

Bicycles allowed

Bicycles allowed

Bicycles allowed

Bicycles allowed

Bicycles allowed

Bicycles allowed

Bicycles allowed

Bicycles allowed

Bicycles allowed

Bicycles allowed

Bicycles allowed

Bicycles allowed

Bicycles allowed

Bicycles allowed

Bicycles allowed

Bicycles allowed


Parking available

Does not stop at Rockport 5:06 AM Does not stop at Rockport 6:13 AM Does not stop at Rockport 7:13 AM Does not stop at Rockport 8:13 AM Does not stop at Rockport 9:13 AM Does not stop at Rockport Does not stop at Rockport 10:43 AM Does not stop at Rockport 12:13 PM Does not stop at Rockport 1:43 PM Does not stop at Rockport Does not stop at Rockport 3:13 PM Does not stop at Rockport 4:37 PM Does not stop at Rockport 5:48 PM Does not stop at Rockport 7:48 PM 8:45 PM Does not stop at Rockport 10:25 PM


Parking available

Does not stop at Gloucester 5:13 AM Does not stop at Gloucester 6:20 AM Does not stop at Gloucester 7:20 AM Does not stop at Gloucester 8:20 AM Does not stop at Gloucester 9:20 AM Does not stop at Gloucester Does not stop at Gloucester 10:50 AM Does not stop at Gloucester 12:20 PM Does not stop at Gloucester 1:50 PM Does not stop at Gloucester Does not stop at Gloucester 3:20 PM Does not stop at Gloucester 4:44 PM Does not stop at Gloucester 5:55 PM Does not stop at Gloucester 7:55 PM 8:52 PM Does not stop at Gloucester 10:32 PM

West Gloucester

Parking available

Does not stop at West Gloucester 5:19 AM Does not stop at West Gloucester 6:26 AM Does not stop at West Gloucester 7:26 AM Does not stop at West Gloucester 8:26 AM Does not stop at West Gloucester 9:26 AM Does not stop at West Gloucester Does not stop at West Gloucester 10:56 AM Does not stop at West Gloucester Flag Stop 12:26 PM Does not stop at West Gloucester Flag Stop 1:56 PM Does not stop at West Gloucester Does not stop at West Gloucester Flag Stop 3:26 PM Does not stop at West Gloucester 4:50 PM Does not stop at West Gloucester 6:01 PM Does not stop at West Gloucester 8:01 PM 8:58 PM Does not stop at West Gloucester 10:38 PM


Parking available

Does not stop at Manchester 5:26 AM Does not stop at Manchester 6:33 AM Does not stop at Manchester 7:33 AM Does not stop at Manchester 8:33 AM Does not stop at Manchester 9:33 AM Does not stop at Manchester Does not stop at Manchester 11:03 AM Does not stop at Manchester 12:33 PM Does not stop at Manchester 2:03 PM Does not stop at Manchester Does not stop at Manchester 3:33 PM Does not stop at Manchester 4:57 PM Does not stop at Manchester 6:08 PM Does not stop at Manchester 8:08 PM 9:05 PM Does not stop at Manchester 10:45 PM

Beverly Farms

Parking available

Does not stop at Beverly Farms 5:32 AM Does not stop at Beverly Farms 6:39 AM Does not stop at Beverly Farms 7:39 AM Does not stop at Beverly Farms 8:39 AM Does not stop at Beverly Farms 9:39 AM Does not stop at Beverly Farms Does not stop at Beverly Farms 11:09 AM Does not stop at Beverly Farms Flag Stop 12:39 PM Does not stop at Beverly Farms Flag Stop 2:09 PM Does not stop at Beverly Farms Does not stop at Beverly Farms Flag Stop 3:39 PM Does not stop at Beverly Farms 5:03 PM Does not stop at Beverly Farms 6:14 PM Does not stop at Beverly Farms 8:14 PM 9:11 PM Does not stop at Beverly Farms 10:51 PM


Parking available

Does not stop at Montserrat 5:38 AM Does not stop at Montserrat 6:45 AM Does not stop at Montserrat 7:45 AM Does not stop at Montserrat 8:45 AM Does not stop at Montserrat 9:45 AM Does not stop at Montserrat Does not stop at Montserrat 11:15 AM Does not stop at Montserrat Flag Stop 12:45 PM Does not stop at Montserrat Flag Stop 2:15 PM Does not stop at Montserrat Does not stop at Montserrat Flag Stop 3:45 PM Does not stop at Montserrat 5:09 PM Does not stop at Montserrat 6:20 PM Does not stop at Montserrat 8:20 PM 9:17 PM Does not stop at Montserrat 10:57 PM


Parking available

4:49 AM Does not stop at Newburyport 5:54 AM Does not stop at Newburyport 6:54 AM Does not stop at Newburyport 7:59 AM Does not stop at Newburyport 8:54 AM Does not stop at Newburyport 9:54 AM Does not stop at Newburyport Does not stop at Newburyport 11:24 AM Does not stop at Newburyport 12:54 PM Does not stop at Newburyport 2:24 PM Does not stop at Newburyport Does not stop at Newburyport 3:54 PM Does not stop at Newburyport 5:02 PM Does not stop at Newburyport 6:59 PM Does not stop at Newburyport Does not stop at Newburyport 9:29 PM Does not stop at Newburyport


Parking available

4:54 AM Does not stop at Rowley 5:59 AM Does not stop at Rowley 6:59 AM Does not stop at Rowley 8:04 AM Does not stop at Rowley 8:59 AM Does not stop at Rowley 9:59 AM Does not stop at Rowley Does not stop at Rowley 11:29 AM Does not stop at Rowley 12:59 PM Does not stop at Rowley 2:29 PM Does not stop at Rowley Does not stop at Rowley 3:59 PM Does not stop at Rowley 5:07 PM Does not stop at Rowley 7:04 PM Does not stop at Rowley Does not stop at Rowley 9:34 PM Does not stop at Rowley


Parking available

5:00 AM Does not stop at Ipswich 6:05 AM Does not stop at Ipswich 7:05 AM Does not stop at Ipswich 8:10 AM Does not stop at Ipswich 9:05 AM Does not stop at Ipswich 10:05 AM Does not stop at Ipswich Does not stop at Ipswich 11:35 AM Does not stop at Ipswich 1:05 PM Does not stop at Ipswich 2:35 PM Does not stop at Ipswich Does not stop at Ipswich 4:05 PM Does not stop at Ipswich 5:13 PM Does not stop at Ipswich 7:10 PM Does not stop at Ipswich Does not stop at Ipswich 9:40 PM Does not stop at Ipswich


Parking available

5:06 AM Does not stop at Hamilton/Wenham 6:11 AM Does not stop at Hamilton/Wenham 7:11 AM Does not stop at Hamilton/Wenham 8:16 AM Does not stop at Hamilton/Wenham 9:11 AM Does not stop at Hamilton/Wenham 10:11 AM Does not stop at Hamilton/Wenham Does not stop at Hamilton/Wenham 11:41 AM Does not stop at Hamilton/Wenham 1:11 PM Does not stop at Hamilton/Wenham 2:41 PM Does not stop at Hamilton/Wenham Does not stop at Hamilton/Wenham 4:11 PM Does not stop at Hamilton/Wenham 5:25 PM Does not stop at Hamilton/Wenham 7:16 PM Does not stop at Hamilton/Wenham Does not stop at Hamilton/Wenham 9:46 PM Does not stop at Hamilton/Wenham

North Beverly

Parking available

5:10 AM Does not stop at North Beverly 6:15 AM Does not stop at North Beverly 7:15 AM Does not stop at North Beverly 8:20 AM Does not stop at North Beverly 9:15 AM Does not stop at North Beverly 10:15 AM Does not stop at North Beverly Does not stop at North Beverly 11:45 AM Does not stop at North Beverly 1:15 PM Does not stop at North Beverly 2:45 PM Does not stop at North Beverly Does not stop at North Beverly 4:15 PM Does not stop at North Beverly 5:29 PM Does not stop at North Beverly 7:20 PM Does not stop at North Beverly Does not stop at North Beverly 9:50 PM Does not stop at North Beverly


Parking available

5:15 AM 5:43 AM 6:20 AM 6:50 AM 7:20 AM 7:50 AM 8:25 AM 8:50 AM 9:20 AM 9:50 AM 10:20 AM 10:50 AM 11:20 AM 11:50 AM 12:50 PM 1:20 PM 2:20 PM 2:50 PM 3:20 PM 3:50 PM 4:20 PM 5:14 PM 5:34 PM 6:25 PM 7:25 PM 8:25 PM 9:22 PM 9:55 PM 11:02 PM


Parking available

5:19 AM 5:47 AM 6:24 AM 6:54 AM 7:24 AM 7:54 AM 8:29 AM 8:54 AM 9:24 AM 9:54 AM 10:24 AM 10:54 AM 11:24 AM 11:54 AM 12:54 PM 1:24 PM 2:24 PM 2:54 PM 3:24 PM 3:54 PM 4:24 PM 5:18 PM 5:42 PM 6:29 PM 7:29 PM 8:29 PM 9:31 PM 9:59 PM 11:06 PM


Parking available

5:26 AM 5:54 AM 6:31 AM 7:01 AM 7:31 AM 8:01 AM 8:36 AM 9:01 AM 9:31 AM 10:01 AM 10:31 AM 11:01 AM 11:31 AM 12:01 PM 1:01 PM 1:31 PM 2:31 PM 3:01 PM 3:31 PM 4:01 PM 4:31 PM 5:25 PM 5:49 PM 6:36 PM 7:36 PM 8:36 PM 9:38 PM 10:06 PM 11:13 PM

Lynn Interim

Parking available

5:29 AM 5:57 AM 6:34 AM 7:04 AM 7:34 AM 8:04 AM 8:39 AM 9:04 AM 9:34 AM 10:04 AM 10:34 AM 11:04 AM 11:34 AM 12:04 PM 1:04 PM 1:34 PM 2:34 PM 3:04 PM 3:34 PM 4:04 PM 4:34 PM 5:28 PM 5:52 PM 6:39 PM 7:39 PM 8:39 PM 9:41 PM 10:09 PM 11:16 PM

River Works

No parkingNot accessible

Flag Stop 5:32 AM Flag Stop 6:00 AM Flag Stop 6:37 AM Flag Stop 7:07 AM Does not stop at River Works Flag Stop 8:07 AM Flag Stop 8:42 AM Does not stop at River Works Does not stop at River Works Does not stop at River Works Does not stop at River Works Does not stop at River Works Does not stop at River Works Does not stop at River Works Does not stop at River Works Does not stop at River Works Flag Stop 2:37 PM Flag Stop 3:07 PM Flag Stop 3:37 PM Flag Stop 4:07 PM Flag Stop 4:37 PM Flag Stop 5:31 PM Flag Stop 5:55 PM Flag Stop 6:42 PM Flag Stop 7:42 PM Does not stop at River Works Does not stop at River Works Flag Stop 10:12 PM Flag Stop 11:19 PM


No parking

5:39 AM 6:07 AM 6:44 AM 7:14 AM 7:44 AM 8:14 AM 8:49 AM 9:14 AM 9:44 AM 10:13 AM 10:43 AM 11:13 AM 11:43 AM 12:13 PM 1:13 PM 1:43 PM 2:44 PM 3:14 PM 3:44 PM 4:14 PM 4:44 PM 5:38 PM 6:02 PM 6:49 PM 7:49 PM 8:47 PM 9:49 PM 10:17 PM 11:24 PM

North Station

Parking available

5:56 AM 6:25 AM 7:03 AM 7:34 AM 8:02 AM 8:34 AM 9:08 AM 9:32 AM 10:01 AM 10:31 AM 11:00 AM 11:29 AM 12:01 PM 12:30 PM 1:31 PM 2:00 PM 3:02 PM 3:31 PM 4:00 PM 4:32 PM 5:01 PM 5:56 PM 6:20 PM 7:07 PM 8:05 PM 9:04 PM 10:08 PM 10:35 PM 11:44 PM
Newburyport/Rockport Line | Commuter Rail (2024)


Is the train running from Newburyport to Boston? ›

Yes, there is a direct train departing from Newburyport and arriving at North Station station. Services depart every two hours, and operate every day.

Does the T go to Rockport? ›

The Newburyport/Rockport Line runs from Boston's North Station to Beverly, where it then splits and continues to both Newburyport and Rockport. Be sure to double-check the schedule to ensure you are on the right line.

What zone is Newburyport, MBTA? ›

Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority. September 16, 2022. ^ "Entire Newburyport/Rockport Line to Accept Zone 1A Fares July 1 – August 31" (Press release). Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority.

Which commuter rail goes to Gloucester? ›

Gloucester station is an MBTA Commuter Rail station in Gloucester, Massachusetts. Located off Railroad Avenue and Washington Street in downtown Gloucester, it serves the Rockport branch of the Newburyport/Rockport Line.

How much does it cost to take a train from Newburyport to Boston? ›

The best way to get from Newburyport MBTA Station to Boston is to train which takes 1h 7m and costs $4 - $13. Alternatively, you can bus, which costs $14 - $17 and takes 1h 35m.

How much is the train from Newburyport to North Station? ›

The best way to get from Newburyport to North Station (subway) without a car is to train which takes 1h 12m and costs $4 - $13.

Is Rockport, MA worth visiting? ›

The scenic seaside village of Rockport, Massachusetts is the perfect place to relax, unwind and take in the beauty of coastal New England. It might not be as well known as some other New England destinations like Cape Cod, Kennebunkport, and Newport but it's a hidden gem that's worth exploring.

What train line is Gloucester on? ›

Gloucester train station is mainly served by GWR, CrossCountry and Transport for Wales trains. Frequent GWR services connect Cheltenham to Gloucester in 10m, London to Gloucester and Westbury to Gloucester in 1h 47m.

How late does the T run in Boston? ›

Hours of operation vary, but most bus and train service starts around 5 AM and ends around 1 AM. There is no late-night or overnight train service in Boston, though some bus service starts as early (or as late!) as 3:30 AM.

What is the senior age for the MBTA? ›

If you are 65 or older, you are eligible for reduced fares with a Senior CharlieCard. If you attend one of the schools enrolled in the MBTA's Student Pass Program, you are eligible for an S-Card or M7 Card.

Do MBTA trains have bathrooms? ›

There are restrooms on Commuter Rail trains, and they are accessible to people with disabilities. They are located at the ends of some cars. Please note that on some trips, the car with a restroom may be closed, but you can ask the conductor for access.

Can I use my MBTA Commuter Rail pass on the subway? ›

First, choose how you'll pay your fare

These cards are printed with the month and zone of the pass and can be used to pay for both bus/subway and Commuter Rail. Note: All Commuter Rail passes for one-way and round-trip travel expire 90 days from the purchase date.

How far does the MBTA Commuter Rail go? ›

The MBTA Commuter Rail (reporting mark MBTX) system serves as the commuter rail arm of the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority's (MBTA's) transportation coverage of Greater Boston in the United States. Trains run over 394 mi (634 km) of track to 135 stations.

Does the commuter rail go to Dedham? ›

Dedham Corporate Center station (signed as Dedham Corporate Center/128) is an MBTA Commuter Rail station in Dedham, Massachusetts. It serves the Franklin/Foxboro Line, and is located just off exit 28 of Interstate 95/Route 128.

What is the difference between commuter train and express train? ›

Express Trains have transverse row seating with underseat storage for luggage as well as three luggage racks per car; Commuter Trains have longitudinal seating without underseat storage and only have two luggage racks per car.

How late does the Boston Commuter Rail run? ›

Each Commuter Rail route runs on a set timetable, with service beginning as early as 5 AM and ending as late as 1 AM at some stops. Service is more frequent during peak travel times, Monday – Friday, 7 – 9 AM and 4 – 7 PM. Schedules are adjusted every 3 months to account for service demands.

Which Commuter Rail goes to North Station, Boston? ›

North Station is a commuter rail and intercity rail terminal station in Boston, Massachusetts. It is served by four MBTA Commuter Rail lines – the Fitchburg Line, Haverhill Line, Lowell Line, and Newburyport/Rockport Line – and the Amtrak Downeaster intercity service.

What train stop is the Boston Garden? ›

TD Garden is home to the Boston Celtics and Bruins, as well as many concerts and events throughout the year. It's located just above North Station—a hub for subway, Commuter Rail, and Amtrak service.


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Name: Prof. An Powlowski

Birthday: 1992-09-29

Address: Apt. 994 8891 Orval Hill, Brittnyburgh, AZ 41023-0398

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Job: District Marketing Strategist

Hobby: Embroidery, Bodybuilding, Motor sports, Amateur radio, Wood carving, Whittling, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Prof. An Powlowski, I am a charming, helpful, attractive, good, graceful, thoughtful, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.