Handa Opera on Sydney Harbour - Guys & Dolls | Opera Australia (2024)

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Handa Opera on Sydney Harbour - Guys & Dolls | Opera Australia (2024)


Is there a dress code for the Handa Opera? ›

There's no compulsory dress code. Wear what you'll feel comfortable in and make sure you wear sensible shoes, as you will have to walk up and down stairs to reach your seats.

Can you watch an opera on Sydney Harbour? ›

Handa Opera on Sydney Harbour is an open-air and all-weather event. The venue, audience seating, and the stage are completely uncovered.

Who performed at the Sydney Opera House? ›

Over the years, there has been a long line of international stars who have performed on the Opera House stages, among them Sting, The Cure, Kraftwerk, The National, Björk, Patti Smith, Bob Dylan and Massive Attack.

Who officially opened the Sydney Opera House in 1975? ›

The Sydney Opera House was formally opened by Queen Elizabeth II, on 20 October 1973.

Can I wear jeans to an opera? ›

Check that the stitching is clean and there are no frays or pilling on sweaters in particular. Women who want to wear pants should look for professional pieces, like pleated slacks or trendy ankle pants. Avoid anything you would wear running around on the weekend, like denim, jeans, denim jackets, and sneakers.

What do girls wear to the opera? ›

co*cktail dresses or midi skirts will instantly give your outfit a sophisticated appearance, but if you prefer more coverage, a pantsuit or embellished jumpsuit will also work for an opera outing.

What happens if it rains at opera on the Harbor? ›

The performance will only be cancelled if the weather poses a threat to the safety of performers or the audience. Cancellation will occur in the event of heavy rain and/or strong winds as Opera Australia acknowledges that the comfort and safety of the audience and its performers are paramount.

Can you just walk around the Sydney Opera House? ›

You can walk the entire perimeter of this immense structure and go up the stairs at the front which are a very popular photo location. Visit early morning or at dusk to get the best light and most evocative photographs.

How much does it cost to see the Sydney Opera House? ›


Why is Sydney Opera House so famous? ›

World Heritage

According to UNESCO, the Sydney Opera House is a great architectural work of the 20th century that brings together multiple strands of creativity and innovation in both architectural form and structural design. “Its significance is based on its unparalleled design and construction,” UNESCO stated.

What do tourists do at the Sydney Opera House? ›

Tours. Join a guided tour to come behind the scenes and discover the history, architecture and extraordinary story of Sydney's Opera House.

What are five interesting facts about the Sydney Opera House? ›

5 Things You Never Knew About the Sydney Opera House
  • The first performance was given by the activist Paul Robeson. ...
  • The venue was officially opened by Queen Elizabeth II. ...
  • There is a net installed above the orchestra pit (after a live chicken once fell in) ...
  • There is a fine-dining restaurant, Bennelong, inside the opera house.

Who was the first person to sing at the Sydney Opera House? ›

Paul Robeson was the first person to perform at Sydney Opera House. In 1960, he climbed the scaffolding and sang Ol' Man River to the construction workers as they ate lunch.

Did Queen Elizabeth open the Sydney Opera House? ›

The Queen presided over the Opening of the Sydney Opera House in Sydney on this day in 1973, 50 years ago, in the midst of a week-long Tour of Australia, their first visit since the Captain Cook Bicentenary Tour in 1970.

How many shells are on the Sydney Opera House? ›

There are 14 shells on the Sydney Opera House. They were inspired by the shape of sea shells and the maritime history of the city of Sydney and the Sydney Harbour. However, they proved difficult to build and it is said that Jorn Utzen solved the puzzle of how to construct their shape while peeling a mandarin.

Is there a dress code for La opera? ›

Whatever you feel comfortable in, as long as it meets the standards of public attire. Most people dress up for evening performances—especially on the weekends—and people tend to dress nicer on opening nights (particularly the season opening).

Can you wear jeans to the Boston Opera House? ›

There is no specific dress code. Most people enjoy dressing up to go to the theatre, and some events, such as opening nights, will draw a dressier crowd. For theatrical performances, you will see people in everything from casual to formal wear.

What is the dress code for the opera in Naples Italy? ›

What to Wear. There is not a strictly enforced dress code, but most men wear a suit or coat & tie (and women wear the equivalent). Black tie is certainly acceptable, and other "nice" clothes (say, slacks & a sweater) are probably OK.

How to dress for the opera in NYC? ›

Dress up as much or as little as you want. For some, the opera is an opportunity to go all out; no matter what you wear, there will be someone more opulent than you. Some still wear gowns and gloves.


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Author: Barbera Armstrong

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Author information

Name: Barbera Armstrong

Birthday: 1992-09-12

Address: Suite 993 99852 Daugherty Causeway, Ritchiehaven, VT 49630

Phone: +5026838435397

Job: National Engineer

Hobby: Listening to music, Board games, Photography, Ice skating, LARPing, Kite flying, Rugby

Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.